
Organic Almond Milk – how to make your own, I promise its easy!

Please don’t be put off making your own almond milk (or any other nutty milk!) it really is easy.

My method:

Blanched almonds (without skins) – you can buy these anywhere, I order ours online in bulk as we get through so much of them.

1 cup of blanched almonds to 3 cups of water (you can’t go wrong with this ratio)

Soak your almonds ideally overnight so they are nice and soft or at least all day

Drain your almond with a sieve, discard the water

Place your blanched almonds in a blender with 3 cups of water and blend on a high speed for approximately 2-3 minutes, you’ll notice that it goes nice and creamy

Next you have to sieve your creamy mixture through a fine sieve (I use jelly bags that you can get from Lakeland etc) so you just end up with the liquid and nothing else

Don’t throw your almond pulp away,  you can either add to smoothies, savour or sweet dishes or in your morning cereal for added goodness – I prefer to roast in a low oven to dry out and use as salad toppings

Put your lovely creamy almond milk into bottles ideally with lids (again I bought ours online) – then straight into your fridge.  The reason for buying bottles with lids is that you will need to shake your almond milk as naturally it will separate this is because it doesn’t have any thickening agents in it – its complete natural!

It will last for approximately 5 days in the fridge – Enjoy!



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