Author Archive | stew

Thank You cake

Proton Treatment….Done!

Wow – where do we start………we are so proud of you Jacob, our beautiful boy. Jacob and Oscar, you both are truly inspirational to us.  Jacob, you have been absolutely amazing and you continue to inspire us daily.  The way you are coping, your positivity, your approach to life is a true testament to you […]

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Thank You

Well what a journey we’ve had so far!  We’ve been in America now for nearly 7 weeks.  The support you have all given emotionally and financially has overwhelmed us, so from the bottom of our hearts “THANK YOU” – and we’d like to shout that from the roof tops too! OVER TO JACOB: My Mum […]

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Mask and Treatment

Seven treatments in and Jacob has been amazing

Seven treatments in and Jacob has been amazing. Jacob was very worried about not being able to move his head or body but he was brilliant. A lot of thought had gone into his playlist to be streamed into the treatment room to ensure that he feels comfortable. The staff have been amazing and so positive. […]

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Jacob Healing

The healing process continues

Jacobs wound on his head was healing well and his hair was slowly beginning to grow back.  The tests and scans continued, along with physiotherapy.  It’s just amazing to see Jacob come through his operation.  Aimee’s strict gluten free diet, wheat free, dairy free and sugar free diet has been embraced by Jacob.  Jacob has also been […]

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Jacob's Post Op

Jacob sits up on the road to recovery

The operation at BCH was done and Jacob was soon sitting up and moving around whilst still attached to all his wires and tubes.  We just wanted to take him home as soon as we could and look after him. Jacob was able to come home in October although there was a strict monitoring process with trips […]

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Jacob post operation

The surgery over, the biopsy was sent off for more investigation, we would now have to wait a week to find out what tumour Jacob has. The rest of the tumour is too dangerous to remove due to the location in Jacob’s brain. (September 2014)

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