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Proton Mask and Treatment

Jacobs first treatment

How frightening must this be?  Your head in a custom made ‘immobilizer mask’ pinned to a plinth and a mouth guard in so you CANNOT move – Jacob was very worried about not being able to move his head or body but he was brilliant.  A lot of thought had gone into his playlist to be […]

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Jacob post operation

The surgery over, the biopsy was sent off for more investigation, we would now have to wait a week to find out what tumour Jacob has. The rest of the tumour is too dangerous to remove due to the location in Jacob’s brain. (September 2014)

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Jacob endured a 10 hour operation on his 10th Birthday

It was our little boys 10th birthday, he was taken into surgery within 10 minutes of being born 10 years earlier, it was a devastating and we feared the worst, he was about to go in for a 10 hour operation. We went with Jacob through to the anaesthetic room, we tried to stay positive and strong […]

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Jacob – enjoying life with his little brother Oscar

Jacob was born in the September 2004. Jacob is a truly amazing boy, he is incredibly sociable, caring, he has a complete endearing character.  Jacob is a complete pleasure to be around and lightens up every room he enters. Jacob loves spending time with family, friends and really enjoyed sport.  To name just a few…….rugby, football, swimming, […]

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