Lupo is waiting for Jacob and Oscar to come home!

Lupo is waiting for Jacob and Oscar to come home!
Did you hear Jacob on the radio 102 Touch FM being interview today…..what a super star!
‘Pride Of Stratford Awards’ What an amazing evening we had at the ‘Pride Of Stratford Awards’. Jacob has been given the ‘Special Award’ for his amazing bravery, courage, and overall being such an amazing super duper boy who has been through so much since his diagnosis and continues to do so everyday…….standing ovation, applause and not a […]
Well, what a busy week we’ve had with selling aprons, this is all Jacobs hard work selling to friends and family……we’ve actually now started selling from this website. There is an option for ‘Shop’ so please have a look and get ordering for the BBQ season! I’m happy to deliver if you live locally, or […]
Jacob is recovering from more surgery. An emergency shunt was inserted at the end of July so he’s now slowly getting over the ordeal, and again I have worked my magic on his hair style!
Since we received the devastating diagnosis for Jacob I started to review everything in his/our lives. Why has our beautiful boy got an inoperable brain tumour? You start to question EVERYTHING I looked into every part of Jacobs life from his diet to what he was brushing his teeth with, the results were frightening so we […]
We’ve done it! We received 100,000 signatures on the “Petition for more research into brain tumours, the biggest cancer kill of under 40’s” (Parliament considers all petitions that get more than 100,000 signatures for a debate.) Brain tumours kill more children and adults under 40 than any other cancer. More funding for research is urgently needed […]
Please don’t be put off making your own almond milk (or any other nutty milk!) it really is easy. My method: Blanched almonds (without skins) – you can buy these anywhere, I order ours online in bulk as we get through so much of them. 1 cup of blanched almonds to 3 cups of water […]
If you could please take a minute and sign this petition, we need to reach 100,000 by the 3rd February 2016. Last years research into brain tumours received 1.5% of all cancer research funding, not nearly enough. Brain tumours are the bigger killer in the under 40’s. Please help – Thank you for the bottom […]
Jacob had an emergency shunt inserted due to the brain tumour causing more problems, we took Jacob to A&E where we were told he had acute hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is a build-up of fluid on the brain. The excess fluid puts pressure on the brain, which can damage it. Hydrocephalus can usually be treated using a […]